To manage programs efficiently, you need to base decisions on data rather than assumptions. This requires setting up a trustworthy traceable chain of data. Having a single view of the acquisition process and program data in context of the statement of need and requirements enables fast and accurate decision-making. A traceable chain data helps you meet key program objectives, such as crafting the mission needs statement, identifying capabilities critical to program success, integrating all program requirements and collaborating with OEMs and suppliers across the supply chain. Learn more about establishing a traceable chain of data.
Once a traceable chain of data is in place, you need to enable seamless, secure collaboration among all internal and external program stakeholders, including defense agencies, OEMs and suppliers. A model-based approach to program acquisition and pursuit helps provide the most current configuration data across all stakeholders. It also enables you to detect and address potential issues early, continuously iterate and more effectively collaborate on designs. Learn more about a model-based approach to program acquisition and pursuit.
Reduce the impact of change by integrating test evaluation data. Tie test data back to the original program requirements and make it available during the acquisition process. Template reuse, configuration control and access to test configuration reduce the impact of change and speed up delivery of assets, increasing process efficiencies and more expedient certification. Learn more about integrated test data.
航空航太和國防 OEM 廠商和供應商可以透過基於模型的採購流程更有效地應對任務挑戰。基於模型的方法需要可追蹤的資料鏈,該資料鏈在需要和要求的聲明的上下文中建立所有程式資料的單一視圖。一旦建立資料鏈,它就會為所有利害關係人(包括機構、原始設備製造商和供應商)創建必要的協作環境。這種方法有助於最大限度地降低變更成本。