從概念到產品驗證和生產,透過通用的需求、目標和問題來源,將資料準確性提高高達 95%。
使用真實數據預先選擇最佳設計,自動評估數千種配置,並將 CAE 分析時間減少高達 80%。
建置數位骨幹網路有 3 條關鍵路徑。您從哪裡開始將根據您的數位成熟度而有所不同。
Implement a data management backbone that connects the organization's various departments and allows data traceability from concept through production. Allow team members to access current requirements, specifications, and feedback in real time.
Accelerate the design exploration process using a simulation environment that enhances collaboration. Automatically generate multiple designs so you can identify the most competitive and compliant configuration.
Through continuous verification and validation of your product design, you can be confident that your product will meet all requirements and targets.
95% 的汽車電子控制單元 (ECU) 供應商都使用西門子軟體。
全球排名前 23 的汽車 OEM 廠商均採用了 Siemens Xcelerator。
前 20 名的電動車品牌採用 Siemens Xcelerator。
Nissan Technical Centre Europe
Automotive & transportation
Cranfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
NX, Simcenter 3D Solutions, Teamcenter
[對於 Nissan] 正確的解決方案是 Teamcenter 軟體、NX 軟體和 Simcenter 3D 軟體...在這種環境下開發新逍客改善了整個供應鏈的協作,縮短了時間,加強了品質控制,並使工程師能夠達到新的性能水平。