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What is a PCB digital twin and why it is important

With smart product market growth, electronics (specifically PCB) manufacturers face challenges meeting new requirements for traceability, quality and customized products. PCB manufacturers are shifting to flexible manufacturing operating models to remain profitable. Smart manufacturing strategies further increase the flexible operating model by using digital twins. Digital twins ensure buildable designs, up-to-date manufacturing plans and an optimized production system. Digital innovation and the adoption of smart manufacturing will lead to gains in productivity, performance, output and market share. See how eliminating silos of information to enable sharing of data can dramatically shorten NPI cycles and time to market.

借助 PCB 数字孪生避免由于制造错误而损失小批量盈利率

借助 PCB 数字孪生避免由于制造错误而损失小批量盈利率

PCB 组装数字孪生是组装、检测和测试流程的完全虚拟化模型,支持整个企业访问完全同步的数据。了解更多信息。

印刷电路板 (PCB) 组装流程 - 数字孪生软件应用的益处
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印刷电路板 (PCB) 组装流程 - 数字孪生软件应用的益处

在 PCB 组装中使用数字孪生解决方案,快速生产高质量的 PCB 组装,提高产量并降低成本。

利用动态调度优化和管理 PCB 生产
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利用动态调度优化和管理 PCB 生产

移除不必要、易出错的手动流程。凭借西门子的动态调度和产能管理工具实现 PCB 装配调度自动化