工程教学似乎让人无所适从,因此我们开发了一个完全集成的应用程序来为您提供支持。我们的交钥匙解决方案推动 21 世纪的学习,涵盖了教育工作者和学生所需的全部资源和支持。
工程教学似乎让人无所适从,因此我们开发了一个完全集成的应用程序来为您提供支持。我们的交钥匙解决方案推动 21 世纪的学习,涵盖了教育工作者和学生所需的全部资源和支持。
Pathway to Learning Engineering for High School 涵盖了您所需要的一切:高中工程课程、工业软件、课堂管理工具和专业发展资源。
完全符合当今学术标准的跨学科 STEM 课程使学生能够通过实际的工程项目应用所学知识,为未来的行业需求做好准备。
21 世纪的技能框架使学生能够培养获得成功所需的关键能力,例如数字素养、创造力、协同合作能力、批判性思维和问题解决能力。
Pathway to Learning Engineering courses consist of multiple units, each with a unique problem, where students use sustained inquiry, working individually and in groups, to engineer a solution.
This introductory course teaches core engineering practices through hands-on projects and industry tools. The curriculum empowers students to apply the design process to solve real-world challenges, building a foundation for thinking like an engineer. Through this process, students discover how applying the engineering design process helps engineers brainstorm, plan, think, and solve problems.
This course enhances engineering skills through planning, design and programming systems. Students apply math and science to create solutions, focusing on manufacturing, assembly and the connection between technology and design.
This course prepares students to design automated mechatronic systems, combining mechanical and electrical components. Students explore IoT, Industry 4.0 and human-machine interfaces while applying advanced engineering concepts.
Available for 2025/2026 academic year
Available for 2025/2026 academic year
In this course, students choose a real-world problem that they aim to solve and work through the engineering business landscape to design a final solution.
Available for 2025/2026 academic year
Hear from educators and administrations who are using Pathway to Learning Engineering to inspire and engage their students to explore engineering.
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对 Pathway to Learning Engineering 的云端访问意味着您能够使用可随时访问的课堂硬件(包括 Windows PC、MacBook 和 Chromebook)立即访问所需的工具。
选择 Pathway to Learning Engineering for High School,投资于这个全面而丰富的教育应用程序,这将激励您的学生成为未来的问题解决者和创新者。
希望了解更多信息?查看有关 Pathway to Learning Engineering 的常见问题解答和技术细节。
Pathway to Learning Engineering 是款云端应用程序:这意味着无需下载软件,即可实现即时访问、即时生产力。从任何设备、任何常见浏览器上开始使用。
包含 500 GB 的存储空间,数据共享大小没有限制。