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Zel X

デジタル・トランスフォーメーションの旅は、コラボレーション、機械設計、シミュレーション、製造、オペレーションのためのツール・コレクションであるZel Xから始めましょう。手頃な価格で使いやすいブラウザベースのアプリを使用すれば、中小企業でも必要なときに必要な機能にアクセスできます。

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Zel Xの評価版

瞬時にアクセスできるZel Xの無償評価版をお試しください。ブラウザを介して貴社に最適な規模のプロフェッショナルなツールセットを体験できます。

Global Premiere: Introducing Zel X

Experience how Zel X is helping manufacturers like VUHL, Schuster Mechanical and Bowstone accelerate innovation.


Zel Xなら、中小企業でもデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現し、ビジネスを成長させることができます。ブラウザベースでクラウド上のツールにアクセスできるため、即座にソリューションを利用でき、価値実現までの時間が短縮されます。

Streamline quoting and gain instant shop floor insight

Efficiently plan, execute and track operations. Automated request for quote (RFQ) tools ensure the most competitive quotes by engaging multiple suppliers. Quoting Assistant simplifies outbound quotes with cost and lead time calculation and PDF export. Interactive dashboards offer instant job and project tracking, and shop floor instructions and notifications on any device.

Zel X dashboard view on a mobile device with two hands

Automate manufacturing operations

Simplified model-based programming makes CAM accessible for designers and engineering personnel on any device. With the industry’s first integrated, web-based CAD+CAM toolset, Zel X automates 2.5-axis CAM operations with custom setup and toolpath simulation. Adapt to machining changes from anywhere with ability to adjust setups or edit G-code as plans change.

A man works on a tablet computer

Share and collaborate from anywhere, on any device

Unite your entire supply chain around a single source of truth with secure cloud storage and data management. Collaborate with team members; colleagues, partners and customers with permission-based file sharing, CAD view/markup and unlimited guest access. Manage and track tasks with project dashboards and intuitive Kanban boards. Visualize designs in real-world environments with augmented reality (AR).

Hands touching a tablet computer at a conference desk

Accelerate design with AI-based modeling

Streamline 3D CAD modeling for quoting, manufacturing and fixture design with AI-predictive modeling and automated 2D drawing creation. Open/modify models from other CAD systems, including NX, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, Inventor, and Creo, or design your own part and assembly models using shape and part libraries. Create accurate models of sheet metal parts and assemblies, and export DXF profiles for manufacture.

A computer monitor showing a product design schematic

Optimize designs with powerful simulation on any device

Validate material choices and mechanical performance early on with powerful simulation capabilities specifically for designers. Near-instant simulation of parts under various stresses enables simulation-driven design with visualization displayed on the 3D model. Cloud-based computing delivers rapid simulation results on your PC, MacBook, Chromebook, tablet or mobile device.

A tablet showing a product simulation heat map

See Zel X in action

Customer Story

Boosting machine shop productivity with cloud software

会社:Schuster Mechanical LLC

業界:Small & Medium Businesses

開催場所:United States


シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェア:Zel X

業界向けZel Xの詳細

Compare Zel X products side-by-side

Explore the different features of our two scalable tiers of Zel X: Standard and Advanced, as well as ways to maximize savings with bundled solution offerings.

Zel Xの詳細情報