MBSE is the accepted best practice to manage exponential product and system complexity. Siemens MBSE solutions enable an agile "integrate-THEN-build" approach, leveraging the comprehensive digital twin in an open, interoperable and flexible environment. Critical visibility, the ability to manage native and external models, and optimize - across engineering domains and lifecycle - is only possible with Siemens.
The Siemens and IBM partnership enables an open ecosystem across both companies’ portfolios and drives collaboration across the entire value chain.
Next-gen systems engineering solutions, standardized modeling (SysML) v2, automation, traceability and a holistic approach enable continuous, seamless integration of systems design across systems, processes and the entire product and operational lifecycle.
MBSE software solutions leverage the comprehensive digital twin and a holistic digital thread. Evaluate concepts and architecture earlier and continuously. Implement the game-changing “integrate-THEN-build” approach to manage complexities and improve collaboration.
Start with an integrated product definition and optimized product architecture at the earliest stage of concept design. Adopt a modern, data-driven approach that leverages SysML and the comprehensive digital twin.
Improve collaboration by adopting seamlessly integrated, scalable engineering across domains and tools on the most flexible, open platform.
Use simulation models to shift left and measure achievement and compliance from the beginning of the product cycle to the end. Reduce dependency on physical tests while enabling earlier and faster decision-making.
Leverage the comprehensive digital twin using open, interoperable and secure digital solutions augmented with a low-code-embedded environment. Integrate suppliers’ systems inputs early in design to improve requirement definition, optimize system design and performance, mitigate supply chain risks and reduce costs.
Start with an integrated product definition and optimized product architecture. Ensure integrated, scalable cross-domain engineering and enable early supplier integration to reduce the risk of changes during product development.
Discover how MBSE software solutions and a holistic approach can enable multi-disciplinary teams in your industry to manage interfaces at syb-systems of large, complex models. Learn how SysML v2 enables a continuum where systems engineering flows smoothly into detailed design.
Airbus uses MBSE to develop the next-generation A350 XWB, an innovative airplane that meets future market needs: efficiency, comfort and environmental envelope.
Learn moreOn-demand webinar | Intro to model-based systems engineering
On-demand webinar | Accelerate product development with PLM integrated MBSE software
On-demand webinar | Integrating systems engineering with the product lifecycle